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Submit your videos today and EARN when they play PLUS get your music licensed in games, movies, tv and other platforms internationally. 


The Reggae Central TV and DJ Central TV shows will be featuring 90% independent clips and not the other way around as our competition does.  Creating opportunity for independent labels and independent artists. That’s it in a nutshell.  This is about new music and new artists that are making the waves now on the dance floors and in the clubs around the world. 


Partnerships between Blue Pie Productions | Reggae Central TV | DJ Central TV | Planet Blue Productions platforms provide opportunities for you to expand your brand's presence in emerging markets from Australia to Zimbabwe.



Reggae Central TV is available on many leading cable, WEB TV and Satellite networks including SPBTV,

Foxtel, Sony TV, Samsung TV, Qello, MUZU and Xbox Live.










Simply put we make the content owners content more famous. We broadcast this to the world in our 1.5 hour Reggae Central TV show.    


We are the only channel that we know of that provides a royalty payment for content owners, artists, and labels.

You can read more on how the royalty payments work here in the FAQ section of our DJ Central TV website

We do not charge our content suppliers, artists, labels and content owners to submit their content to our channel. 


We pay out 60% of all license revenues we generate from syndication of the show to:

1.     Mobile Platforms
2.     Web TV + IP TV
3.     Branded TV environments or models – HP Music TV Show. We have recently landed HP as a client for South East Asia.


Submit your videos for broadcast on our new television show Reggae Central TV, an exciting global programme format that features today’s hottest Reggae artistes.


Send a high quality version (HD AVI Format preferred) of your video to  and a licence will be issued to cover broadcast of your video.   Videos must be in HD format or Hi-res AVI files in broadcast quality.




Blue Pie Productions | DJ Central TV | Planet Blue Pictures


Blue Pie Productions (BPP) owns and operates digital retail stores around the world as well as produces a weekly

music tv show called “ DJ Central TV”.   Blue Pie works with leading aggregators around the world including:


  • The Orchard​                                 INgroov                                         Believe Digital                          IODA

  • Danmark Music Group                BFM - Big Fish Media                  Royalty Share                           Secury Cast


DJ Central TV (DJC TV) features performing hot tracks, remixes and mash-ups. The show is broadcast in Australia on FOXTEL Channel 183 and on Sony Playstation Network for the world.


Planet Blue Pictures (PBP) provides music video, film, short film, digital video content distribution, and syndication, license services to their artistes, labels and content partners.   PBP services over 50 music shows around the world including MTV 20 video digital retailers including iTunes and over 30 telecommunications and mobile companies globally. 

DJ Central TV

The New Rules of Music Licensing

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